dance dance revolution
strike a pose...
mommy and i had fun today. we tried out a class called gymboree. think i was the oldest baby!
i tried to eat the teacher's super long pink painted finger nails and shiny diamond ring.
the other babies didnt like to yell as loudly as possible during the singing, dancing, and jiggling. why?
wish winter and eli were there. we played with strange clown puppets, bells (zzz), and a parachute. mommy danced around and sang some songs with the other mommies. i like the reggae. we dont have that music here.
today the weather was pretty hot and sticky. when i napped my head got sweaty. yuck.
after my nap we played at home with my OWN toys. aunt dawn and raven visited and i played with aunt raven. aunt dawn doesnt like the floor so much.
i think she wanted to take me to starbucks for a coffee and a girl chat about us weekly.
tomorrow is daddy's birthday. hooray! we are going to meet him for lunch and we have a few other thing planned.
love lily
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