Wednesday, December 21, 2005

merry christmas darling

ho ho ho hello. my dede came over today and we played with fringe and pizza. she is more fun than you can imagine.
my aunt jami and uncle john and cousin ben sent me some great dr seuss books! i want to read about feet!
i am getting excited about the holiday. we have been house shopping and christmas shopping like mad.
pretty christmas tree lights and glittery textured ornaments make me happy.

i really like my hair that is getting pretty and long. i sure was a baldy not too long ago. love, lily

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


hi! do you like my new leg warmers?
i have a lot of great new clothes but i think i am losing my fashion sense in this town. we had fun today. we looked at houses with rayna and scott and went for a walk. we might live in ballard, beacon hill, or on the east side. i think we can get more house bang for our buck on the east but we might not like it there. i love eating all sorts of foods now and i love standing up all by myself. my mom thinks i have a little bit of an attitude lately because i scream at the top of my lungs whenever she takes something out of my hands or makes me do something i am not interested in doing. i try to tell her i am just establishing my own personality, decision making ability, and independence. we are getting into the christmas spirit by singing frosty the snowman 5 x a day. i am excited to travel east for the holiday! hope it snows~ what fun! wish my gma was coming too! love, lily

think about the sun

sorry i have been so out of touch! its been really busy here and i am getting aquainted with my new town.
we live in a hotel still but we are getting a house soon, unless interest rates skyrocket.

some things i like about living in seattle
seeing my gmom a whole lot even though her doggie bu is a little hyperactive
the quality of the light and air
the beautiful tall tall tress and big lakes, and nice new playground equipment
the fact the i get to eat cheese and taste olives
hanging out with cinn and winter and pam and eli every week

some things i that i dont like:
housing prices and bedrooms in basements
missing my pop pop and aunt dotdot and the other people i love in new jersey
my daddys commute to the computer store
no silver diner

love, lily