busy bee
my dede is home from atlanta today. yahoo. i am going to see her soon.
i have been a little sick with an ear infection but am on the mend and starting to feel like myself again. i got a kitty cat sticker from my doctor.
today is amazing. want to know why? i got to play with my friend eli at third place books AND eat a pumpkin muffin.
the sun is shining so bright that it looks like a lemon and i am on a citrus kick. i think we are going to the park soon.
my aunt dot dot was here a few weeks ago and we had a great time. we played and we walked and we went to the park and to starbucks and to fred myers and out to dinner. we rocked on the porch in our rocking chair like we did when i was a baby. we gave each other a million hugs to save in our bellies while we are apart. i am going to see her again in the summer!!! hooray!
when i am in my momma's arms i like to point at the floor and say " dowwwn!" when she asks me if i want a drink i say, "noooooo!". five minutes after i begin eating i like to say 'DONE!" . you know what? i like being the boss of me.
love lily
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